B. inggris This text is for question 28 and 29 : Giraffes live in Africa. All giraffes have patterns on their fur and each giraffe is different. They are very tall with long necks. They can reach high up in the trees for flowers and leaves to eat. A big male giraffe can reach almost 6 meters. They use their long tongues to get their food. They can eat sharp prickles. They eat all day and chew their food for a long time. What is the correct statement based on the text? A Giraffes chew food for a long time B Giraffes live in Antartica. C Girrafe can live almost 6 years. D Giraffes have short necks. “They are very tall with long necks.” The word “They” in the sentence above refers to ... A Flowers and leaves B All giraffes C Africa D Necks antoinetterobertsulv – March 06, 2023
PPKn NO Date Pr Chi solu penemuan Lerha-vdibiadne teleno komunikasi daminom DS;? antoinetterobertsulv – March 05, 2023
Matematika Bantu kak besok dikumpul Matematika kelas 6pake jalan antoinetterobertsulv – March 04, 2023
IPS bantu yg bener jwb jgn asal2 plis jgn pakek bhs alien!!! Berikut bukan termasuk kebijakan pemerintah RI dalam mengembangkan ekonomi maritim adalah... a. memberi bantuan pendanaan kepada nelayan untuk memoder nisasi peralatan tangkap mereka b. meningkatkan daya saing dan memperkuat daya dukung atau enabler dalam ekonomi maritim c. melakukan patroli laut untuk men cegah masuk dan beroperasinya kapal-kapal pencuri ikan d. melarang beroperasinya metode penangkapan yang merusak ikan seperti pukat harimau, bom ikan, dan racun ikan antoinetterobertsulv – March 03, 2023